Niushiping Fm
Type Locality and Naming
It was named by Tan Xuechun, Dong Zhizhong and Qin Dehou in 1982. The type section is at Xiangyangsi, Shidian County, Yunnan Province.
Synonym: (牛屎坪组) , Niusiping Fm
Lithology and Thickness
The formation, 179 m in thickness, consists of purplish red, grayish green argillaceous silty reticula-patterned limestone intercalated with calcareous siltstone (Figure).
[Figure the gray medium-thick bedded argillaceous limestone of the lower part of Niushiping Fm at Xiangshuiao section, Shidian, Yunnan Province (Photography by Yan Chunbo)]
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
The Niushiping Fm rests conformably onto the underlying Lichaiba Fm of the Wenlock Series
Upper contact
The Niushiping Fm rests conformably below the overlying Xiangyangshi Fm of Lower Devonian.
Regional extent
The formation consists of siltstone, micritic sandstone and shale in the areas east of Kuke River and west of Nujiang River and its thickness there ranges from 32-230 m. It is exposed merely in west Yunnan.
It yields rich fossil conodont of the Ozarkodina remscheidensis eosteinhornensis zone in the lower part; the Caudicriodus? woschmidti woschmidti zone in the upper part. The fossils also includes Cephalopod Sichuanoceras sp., Cotteroceras sp., Geisonoceras sp., Michelinoceras sp., Kopanioceras kapax; brachiopods Leptostrophia? sp., Protathyris sp., Leptaena sp., Skenidioides sp.; gastropod Loxonema sp.; graptolites Pristiograptus tumescens, P. nilssoni,etc., and cystoid, ostracods, etc. as well at the lower part of the Formation.
Depositional setting
Additional Information